Marika Fleri, MALTA
“One island’s aromatic project - Tales of a dream fulfilled”
Marika Fleri has been practicing aromatherapy for the past 20 years in Malta focusing mainly on education, promoting safe use of oils through various media including TV, newspapers, magazines, workshops and social media. She has been working in oncology and palliative care for the past four years. Two years ago Marika was appointed by Her Excellency – The President of Malta – Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca as the Coordinator and executive secretary of The National Cancer Platform Association. The National Cancer Platform Association brings together all Maltese non-government organizations working in the field of cancer to collaborate together in order to ensure a holistic, co-ordinated and sustainable service for all cancer patients and their loved ones. She mans an office at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Center – Malta’s oncology hospital. This office offers the concept of a one stop shop for all Non-Government organizations within the platform. Marika is also the clinical aromatherapist in residence at the same hospital. She is working with other professionals including psychologists, artists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, nurses and oncologists to offer a complementary and holistic approach to treatment. Her main aim is to have as many tools at her disposal as possible to offer dignity, compassion and comfort to her patients whilst accompanying them in their journey.