Julie Bruton-Seal, UK

“Wayside Herbs – rediscovering forgotten local medicines”

There are so many common plants growing all around us that have been ignored by herbal commerce and fallen out of fashion, but which were once highly valued as medicines and deserve to be used and appreciated again. Looking at old herbals, ethnobotanical uses in other countries and any modern research provides the starting point for practical experimentation.


Julie Bruton-Seal is a Fellow of the Association of Master Herbalists. She practises herbalism, iridology and cranial-sacral therapy, and is also an author, artist, photographer and gardener.
Julie and her husband Matthew Seal have written and designed five books together on herbal medicine, and are enthusiastic about rediscovering and reconnecting with our native plants and encouraging people to use the plants growing all around us. They teach workshops about plants and practical medicine making.
