Jonathan Treasure, USA

Cannabis and Cancer - Fact, Fake News & Phytotherapy

Jonathan is a British medical herbalist currently resident in Southern Oregon. He graduated in medical sciences from Cambridge University, and in herbal medicine from the UK School of Phytotherapy. His clinical practice, now web based, combines botanicals with state-of-the-art oncological insights and interventions to develop personalized treatment strategies for cancer patients in North America, the UK and overseas.

Jonathan is a well-known international speaker, herbal blogger and author with a reputa-tion for critical wit and for using philosophy & theory in combination with cutting-edge science to inform herbal therapeutics. He has been called a thought leader in Western herbal medicine for his fluent and fluid translations between basic science, mainstream biomedicine and phyto-therapy. He produced the herb section for the collaborative medical textbook “Herb, Drug, Nu-trient Interactions: Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Strategies” (Mosby, 2008) and is cur-rently writing a patient guide book on Cannabis and Cancer.

Clinic web site:
Cannabis book info:
Email: [email protected]