Education Innovation Inspiration

The botanica2018 bursary scheme

The botanica2018 scheme was created with the awareness that some persons who would benefit
greatly from attending the conference might be unable to come due to their financial circumstances.
With this in mind, at botanica2016, we raised funds through sales and sponsorship for a number of bursary positions at the next event.

The botanica bursary waives the three day conference attendance fee for botanica2018

Please note: the botanica bursary does not waive

We welcome your application if…

You are definitely committed to attending botanica2018 by paying your transport and accommodation if you are successful in being selected by our independent assessor. Your financial situation is such that the conference fee waiver makes the difference between you attending or not attending the event.

Please note! The closing date has passed and the bursary scheme is now closed!

Following independent assessment, the botanica2018 bursary places will be awarded on February 14 th 2018.
Successful applicants will be notified by email.